Back to School Sale!
$10 off with code “BacktoSchool”
Also buy 5 Stems of Lisianthus, get 6th Stem Free! Use code “BacktoSchool”
Questions? Message, call or text 712-253-5598
Lisianthus, Single Stem Bouquet
Lisianthus, Single Stem Bouquet
Indicate a preferred color choice in the remarks field at checkout.... pastel, bold or classic, or it will be growers choice. Stem will have several open blooms as well as a few ready to open. It will come wrapped with a ribbon for a pretty presentation to that special someone. Makes a great gift to the new college student or teacher, great for a thank you gift, or great for self-care for yourself!
Local delivery available with $50 minimum order, otherwise local pickup option is available. Please leave contact information at checkout so that pickup or delivery details can be arranged.
Picture of actual bouquet to come.
*Lisianthus Mixed Flower Bouquet
Lisianthus Mixed Flower Bouquet
Lisianthus Mixed Flower Bouquet
Lisianthus are a much sought after specialty-cut flower known for their incredible beauty. Similar in appearance to a delicate rose, this flower has no thorns and is known for its long vase life. There are 8 different colors and varieties available this year, including pastel yellow, 3 colors of purple, light pink, green, rose, and a copper red referred to as Roseanne Brown.
Recipient will receive a hand-tied market bouquet that will include lisianthus and other fresh flowers, filler and greenery. Bouquet can be upgraded to a vase arrangement for an additional $20. Local delivery available on Tuesdays or Fridays unless otherwise specified. Orders must be placed by noon for afternoon or evening delivery the following day.
If it’s a gift, please list name of recipient in Remark field at check-out, along with address and contact info. Recipient will be notified day before to confirm delivery details as well as preferred color palette of what’s in bloom. Questions, call/text 712-253-5598.
*Mostly Dahlias Bouquet
Mostly Dahlias Bouquet
Mostly Dahlias Bouquet
Treat yourself or someone you love to a Mostly Dahlias Bouquet. Receive a hand-tied fresh from the garden bouquet of mostly dahlias. This bouquet can be upgraded to a vase arrangement for an additional $20.
Local delivery on Tuesdays and Fridays is available. Place order by noon for afternoon or evening delivery the following day.
If for a gift, please share recipients name, address and contact info in Comment Form at check-out. Recipient will be notified day before to confirm delivery details along with preferred color palette. Questions, call/text 712-263-5598.
*Everlasting Bouquet
Everlasting Bouquet
Everlasting Bouquet
Flowers in this bouquet have been grown specifically for color retention and long-term enjoyment. Chosen flowers are harvested at the peak of their beauty, dried and then arranged into a hand-tied bouquet wrapped in paper. Ten percent of sales proceeds for everlasting bouquets will be set aside to donate to a local community cause. Delivery on Tuesdays is available. Shipping options in the United States can be added for an additional $10 at checkout. Vase not included.
Want to do something fun with family and friends? Host a Bouquet Bar!
D.I.Y. Bulk Flower Buckets available starting at $120.
Message, call or text for more info. 712-253-5598
A Bloom and a Prayer, LLC has a specialty-cut flower production
garden and is open by appointment or reservation only!
Public Garden Tour, July 2023
Central Baptist Church Ladies Group private event July 2023